Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Coffee Bean Power gets up on 'Get UP'

Make your GST go Federal not Feral

As of this afternoon, Coffee Bean Power is an official 'Get Up' campaign action. I would really like this to go viral so that from the next GST quarterly BAS payments increase exponentially. Then our federal Treasurer, Wayne Swan, will notice an increase in GST payments to government. My *GOLD* star today goes to Charlie Lovett whose receipt is legal, clear and binding. 
The GST, which I paid this arvo, AU$0.73 is going to Treasury and I feeeeeel good! NB I have covered the name of the cashier to maintain her/his privacy.

If you have had a pleasant experience like mine, email me your receipt and I will upload it! Taxpaying companies and businesses deserve some free advertising.

From a relative:
'Forget coffee. Sandwich bars in the city are the way to make a fortune.' 30 April

My Response:
Agreed but the sandwich bars also sell coffee and lots of other stuff. There is a greater mark up on coffee than any sandwich. However, most people in the city buy a coffee+ something else. So the 
GST is being collected by the shop owner who avoids paying tax on on the whole deal. Burwood is rife with small shopfront and street stall owners selling all sorts of imported junk: socks, tea towels and they don't know what a receipt is when I have asked them for one. Consequently, I haven't bought the product. Similarly, at a Leichhardt shopping plaza, an owner in a linen shop, when asked, wrote the amount on a tally sheet paper and then gave me a written receipt with no ABN. So these people are deliberately tallying the amounts for which they are accountable and are not paying tax on the 'rest', which is a much longer list. 
The deficit of $12billion is nothing. GST on coffee and a sandwich could easily cover the whole lot and leave just as much and more if the government empowered the ATO to have more direct collection. I'm hopping mad that the GST which I pay is not going where it should. Next thing will be Gonski to get a drubbing. 
No one offers a customer a coffee for $3.15 if you pay cash. The 35c is going into the pockets of these economic lowlifes. When I asked for a receipt in a Pitt St city cafe near Park St., the guy fiddled on the bench for a number of seconds and then gave me a receipt which was stamped an hour earlier than my purchase! He then followed me out of the shop and into the lift lobby!!!! Haven't been back there since! That is just one scam. I have examples of dud receipts for others as well: no ABN, handwritten and no ABN. 
People like us have to ask for a receipt if we want our paid tax to work for the country. Remember, if you are also leaving a tip, you are really pushing tax free money into their pockets.